Sunday, 27 October 2013

What iTunes Error 3194 Mean

This problem often happens, when apple releases a latest iOS in public.
Take for instance i have an iPhone with iOS 5.1.1 and I intend to upgrade to iOS 6.0 but I do not know
if iOS 6.1.3 has been released in public, during upgrading with iTune i experienced  Error 3194. why do i get this error? This usually occurs when Apple has released a newer version of iOS, one is no longer allowed to do a downgrade to previous versions of  iOS 6.0. All you have to do is upgrade to iOS 6.1.3. Because this is a latest version of iOS. This is why one can hardly downgrade to a the previous iOS if the latest iOS has been released, cause apple will consider the old version as waste. The error (31--  to 3194) is obvious to occur.
In this condition,the only way to be able to downgrade, without getting iTunes Error. you must have the previous iOS SHSH blobs saved to cydia server using tiny umbrella. Tiny umbrella

helps u save your shsh blob (jailbreak) and u can easily  recover it when trying to downgrade back to your initial ios. By using tool likes tiny umbrella, redsn0w or snowbreeze iFaith. can help you save ur shsh,(jailbreak) to cydia and help your recover your saved shsh, Patched in your ipsw file. In this case you can either upgrade to the latest ios by apple and ensure to save your shsh blob,  or downgrade to your previous ios and then recover your saved shsh (jailbreak). From cydia. We have the fix to bypass error 3194 from itunes. with this fix you can now downgrade or upgrade your ios with any itune error.Click  here on how to fix error 3194 and other possible 3000 errors.


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